Looking to appeal the value of a Documented Vessel tax bill

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To appeal the appraised value of your documented vessel bill, you will need to fill out the “Watercraft/Motor Assessment Appeal Form”. The completed form, to include a copy of your bill of sale if the vessel was recently purchased, can then be submitted to our office by filling out the request ticket form linked below and attaching the appeal and related documents to the form. The Auditor will reply to your appeal within 30 days in the form of a letter in the mail.

If your appeal is approved and the bill is unpaid, you will receive an adjusted bill with the Auditor's letter. If the bill has been paid and the appeal is approved, you will receive a refund check for the difference from the Treasurer’s office 4-6 weeks after the appeal has been processed. Appealing your documented vessel does not change the due date of your bill. Additionally, approved appeals do not permanently change your vessel’s value and must be requested annually.

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